Saturday, June 11, 2005

An imp called Comment

A comment
is an elusive thing
Somewhere out there
in Cyberspace
Or perhaps stranded
on someone else's blog

I'm waiting
Baited breath
and all that
as I send my thoughts
into this vacuum
called Cyberspace

I've set out milk and cookies
for that little imp,
that Comment,
so contrary
so wary
of being caught
that it foregoes the milk and cookies

Ah, well
Perhaps it just doesn't like
milk and cookies
or cat stories
or vintage outpourings
or the mutterings
of my mind

Friday, June 03, 2005

here are a few of mine; what about yours?

Some favorite lines from favorite films:

1. From When Harry Met Sally (Sally is crying on Harry's shoulder because she's just found out her last boyfriend has gotten engaged to someone else)--

Sally : And I'm gonna be forty.
Harry: When?
Sally: Someday.
Harry: In eight years.

2. Kathryn Hepburn in Stage Door--
"The calla lillies are in bloom again." (I don't know why I like this line; she just says it so beautifully.)

3. Two separate lines by Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca--
"We'll always have Paris."

"Of all the gin joints in all the world, she walks into mine."

4. Bette Midler in Beaches--
"But enough about me--let's talk about you. What do you think about me?" (Makes me laugh everytime!)

5. Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly in Rear Window--
Jeff: Well, when am I gonna see you again?
Lisa (hesitantly): Not for a long time...(pause) least not until tomorrow night.